GEPARD Questionnaire

The GEPARD questionnaire («GErman Psoriasis ARthritis Diagnostic questionnaire») was developed to screen psoriasis patients for the presence of psoriatic arthritis based on the clinical presentation. The screening questionnaire can be easily completed by the patients themselves in the practice. At 4 or more points, the specificity of psoriatic arthritis is 89%.

1. Have you ever had joint pain accompanied by swelling of a joint?
2. Have you ever had a swollen finger or toe?
3. Have you ever had joint pain accompanied by redness of a joint?
4. Have you ever felt your joints stiff after waking up in the morning?
Information for the physician: If yes, how long did or does this stiffness last?
5. Have you ever thought that you might be suffering from a joint illness?
6. Have you ever contacted a doctor about joint pain?
7. Have you ever been diagnosed with arthritis?
8. Have you ever taken medication to treat joint pain?
9. Have you ever suffered from back or buttock pain at least 3 days a week?
9. A. Was or is your back or buttock pain worst in the early morning hours?
9. B. Does your back or buttock pain improve with exercise?
9. C. Does your back or buttock pain persist at rest?
9. D. Is your back or buttock pain accompanied by stiffness in the morning?
10. How long have you had these complaints?

Points Interpretation
≥ 4 High probability of psoriatic arthritis
≤ 3 Low probability of psoriatic arthritis
  1. Härle P, Hartung W, Lehmann P, et al. GEPARD-Patientenfragebogen: Erfassung von Patienten mit Psoriasisarthritis aus einem ambulanten dermatologischen Patientenpool. Z Rheumatol. 2010;69(2):157-163. doi:10.1007/s00393-009-0462-2

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