Pelvic Congestion Syndrome (PCS) Score

Pelvic congestion syndrome (PCS) describes chronic lower abdominal pain due to proximal venous insufficiency in the abdomen or pelvis. The PCS score is used to determine the probability of the presence of PCS. Currently, the score is based on experience and has not been validated.

Lower abdominal pain for more than 3 months
Varicose veins at the vulva
Varicose veins in the lower extremities (treated or untreated)
Increase of pain e.g. due to upright body position, sexual intercourse or menstruation
One or more births given
Disorders of the uterus, ovaries, bladder and intestine unlikely

PCS Score:

Score Assessment
< 3 Pelvic Congestion Syndrome unlikely
3-5 Pelvic Congestion Syndrome possible
> 5 Pelvic Congestion Syndrome likely
  1. Kucher N, Nosetti D. Pelvic Congestion Syndrom – chronische Unterbauchschmerzen bei Frauen aufgrund von Krampfadern im Beckenbereich. Frauenheilkunde aktuell 2020; 4: 21-27

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