Mini-Mental State Exam

The «Mini-Mental State Exam» (MMSE) was first published in 1975 by Folstein et al. [1] and is used for early detection and monitoring of dementia. The test examines memory, registration, attention, and language. As a further screening test, the Clock Drawing Test can be performed.

  1. Print out the template (link to template as PDF) for the questions 17 to 20. The blank sheet is for question 17.
  2. Ask the questions exactly as they are written down.

«I am going to ask you some questions. Some are simple, some are more difficult.»

1) «What year is it?»
2) «What season is it?»
3) «What is the day of the month?»
4) «What is the day of the week?»
5) «Which month is it?»
6) «In which country are we?»
7) «In which canton are we?»
8) «In which town are we?»
9) «In which institution are we?»
10) «On which floor are we?»
11) «I will tell you 3 objects. Please repeat all the objects after I say them and remember the objects. Lemon – Key – Ball»

Each correctly repeated object scores one point. Repeat the objects until they are learned.

Attention and Calculation
12) «From 100, subtract 7 at a time and tell me the intermediate result.»
13) «What were the 3 objects that you remembered beforehand?»
14) Point to a pencil/pen and ask: «What is this?»
15) Point to a wristwatch and ask: «What is this?»
16) «Repeat after me: No ifs, ands, or buts».
17) «I will give you a blank sheet of paper. Take it with your right hand, fold it in half and place it on the floor.»
18) Show the printed template and say: «Please read and execute what is written on the sheet.»
19) Show the lines on the printed template and say: «Please write any complete sentence on this sheet.»
20) Show the figure on the printed template and say: «Please draw this figure next to it.»
There must be 10 angles and 2 intersections.

Mini-Mental Status:

Points Assessment Recommendation
≥ 27 Test normal
≤ 26 Test pathological Further investigation of dementia recommended.
  1. Folstein MF, Folstein SE, McHugh PR. "Mini-mental state". A practical method for grading the cognitive state of patients for the clinician. J Psychiatr Res 1975; 12: 189-198
  2. Memory Clinic Basel. (2005) Memory Clinic. Mini-Mental Status und Uhrentest: Manual zur Durchführung und Auswertung. Abgerufen von

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